I’m a researcher and consultant in the fields innovation, business analytics, and social network analysis. Currently I’m a prof at the Business Administration department of the Izmir University of Economics. My core interest is the workings of the collective intelligence in business organizations and how it supports problem solving and creativity.
I’m among the first alumni of Izmir Science High School (1986). After that I have completed my BSc at Bilkent Üniversity, Electrical and Electronics Engineering major with a minor in Physics Engineering (1990). I have completed my masters at the Tampere Institute of Technology (1990-1991) and Eastern Mediterranean University (1992-1994). Later I have worked as a software developer and architect in Turkey and US (1994-2001). After returning to academia at 2002 at İstanbul Bilgi University Computer Science Department, I have started my PhD in the organization-studies program of the same university and completed in 2009. Since 2016, I work as a lecturer at the Izmir University of Economics, and director of EKOGİRİŞİM (Creative Entrepreneurship Research and Application Center) since 2020. See my publications and projects, and short vs long CV.
in addition to my research and teaching, I develop business analytics solutions at my own startup: İşteAnalitik .